Omnichannel Speech Analytics Platform

Analyze 100% of customer interactions across all channels to uncover insights and improve contact center performance.
TouchPoint Analitics
Our Clients
We help market leaders to improve the quality of customer communications and increase business efficiency.
Business case 3i TouchPoint Analytics at Home Credit Bank
How to double the sales of banking products and improve the quality of service by 15% in 1 month.
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Business case 3i TouchPoint Analytics at Home Credit Bank
How to double the sales of banking products and improve the quality of service by 15% in 1 month.
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Turn Communication into Analytics
Use the power of artificial intelligence to analyze customer experience.
Automate service quality control and improve operator efficiency.
Focus on quality
Stop wasting time manually analyzing millions of customer interactions. 3i TouchPoint Analytics will automatically analyze and evaluate all types of communication in accordance with your company's standards and checklists.
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Share your best practice
Identify best sales and customer service practices. Analyze different patterns of customer interactions. Optimize sales scenarios and service standards. Improve the effectiveness of employee training and onboarding for newbies.
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Make customer-centric decisions
Extract and analyze the content of calls and chats. Leverage this insight into your marketing, sales and customer service teams to make informed decisions and respond faster to customer needs.
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Keep abreast
Automate business processes to improve NPS and CSAT. Receive real-time notifications of problems with a service, product or service so you can react before the problem escalates.
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Increase your operational efficiency
Analyze and identify non-FCR reasons. Reduce unproductive communications. Improve operator efficiency. by optimizing processes.
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Motivate and grow your team.
3i TouchPoint Analytics helps agents improve their performance and communication skills. With built-in tools, the operator can easily conduct continuous self-learning based on the results of his personal assessments and ratings.
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Capabilities of 3i TouchPoint Analytics
Calls and Chats Analysis
Analyze 100% of customer communications in real time using 35+ speech and lexical parameters.
Сommunications quality control
An unbiased assessment of all interactions between the operator and clients according to customizable rules and standards of any complexity.
Keep track of important parameters in real time. Customize the necessary analytics for the needs of different departments.
Definition of topics
Automatically identify topics of calls and tag calls for further analysis.
Voice biometrics
Reduce customer identification time. Detect fraud. Filter calls by voice in any language in a fraction of a second.
Personal Accounts
Integrated capabilities to improve agent's efficiency. Personal statistics, scores, rating, appeal tools and automatic recommendations.
Smart Search by content
Unlimited keyword and phrase search capabilities. Filtering and sorting audio recordings by any criteria and parameters.
Receive instant notifications on any events and incidents from calls and chats to e-mail or messenger.
Create, customize and download reports on any data slices and aggregations.
Technical Features
Proprietary speech recognition engine. Speech recognition quality for telephone records 87-95%
Multilingual support
We analyze records in Russian, English, Kazakh and Uzbek languages equally effectively.
Cloud & On-Premise
You can start using the product in the cloud (SaaS), and seamlessly continue on-premise, for example after a pilot project.
ASR quality management
We can train the speech model on the vocabulary and subject area of your business for even more accurate recognition.
Analyze mono recordings as if they were stereo. Get separate analytics for operator and customer speech, including call transcripts.
Enterprise ready
The product is adapted to work in high-load environments, with support for over 10,000 RT per minute. Linear scalability. Maximum data security and flexible differentiation of access rights.
Let's discuss your needs
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